Cryptic Crossword - Economic Times Bangalore (8061 of 16-06-2021) - Fillable and with solution

This is a web based solver for crosswords that lets you directly type and submit the answers. You click on a cell to highlight the word. If a cell is part of both across and down clues, when you click again, it toggles the highlighting. Play with it and send your feedback to puthirmayamgmailcom.

1 Hold down work with papers (7)
5 Stern detective inspector leaves neighbourhood (6)
9 Bill’s latest failing involves ring (7)
10 Drag in a mother’s old bottle (7)
11 Everyone needs this tune (3)
12 In difficulty, like grapes in winery? (4-7)
13 Pastoral poem idly composed next to lake (5)
14 Vital action in pool for typist’s depression? (9)
16 Engineer turned out to be illiterate (9)
17 Freezing doctor goes round island (5)
19 Proper food additive, not a product (5,6)
22 Regularly reveal catch (3)
23 A thousand put in offer designed to get unfair profit (4-3)
24 University’s head ignoring first element in A-bomb (7)
26 Biochemical, unknown, seized by enemy at sea (6)
27 City’s unusual oblong article (7)

1 Old friend in Paris stores apparatus for folding paper (7)
2 Very skint, crept off holding nothing? (7-8)
3 Priest seen in Israel initially (3)
4 Slander small to medium-sized enterprise, Arab (5)
5 Having good vision, spy ad here in different places (5-4)
6 Regret holding exercises for money (5)
7 College senior ought to call about European ostracism (4-11)
8 Get a grip of this name (6)
12 A slave of the lottery (5)
14 Starts to knit extensive frill to hide female disorder (9)
15 Golfer’s row involves his game (according to NATO) (5)
16 Judge union representative with anger (6)
18 Cover up Austen heroine’s predicament (7)
20 Award upcoming city wood supplier (5)
21 Plug obscure book (5)
25 Sharp tool made of tungsten coated in aluminium (3)
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Created at 12.15 hrs IST on 16-06-2021 from Bangalore

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