Just to recap, every Cryptic Crossword clue will contain a 'definition' of the answer (usually at the beginning or the end), or the whole clue will be the definition.

In the last Newsletter, I gave clues with ANAGRAMS or a re-arrangement of the letters.

This time I have given ten clues of other types. All the answers are synonyms of JOY, some may be nouns, some may be adjectives or verbs.

Good Luck and get cracking.

Eight combines with 500 and 50 for happiness (7)

Happy against temporary accommodation (7)

Happy child initially spilt her fuel (8)

Appeal certain for jollity (8)

Delight is simple to hold Central Sales Tax initially (7)

Confused ten hold Jackie to charm (7)

Good boy is happy (4)

Clinton loses 50 but has it for amusement (8)

Rare putt endlessly confused for elation (7)

Confused hermit loses direction in joy (5)