Avathara sthala of udayanangai, Nammazhwar's mother. Udayanangai and her husband Kari observed penance for 41 days and the Lord bestowed them with a son, who became the Prapannajana Santhana Kootastar of Sri Vaishnava Satsampradaya. As per the stahala purana, Lakshmi was taken aback by seeing the Ugra(Ferocious) swaroopa of the Lord after slaying Hiranya and performed tapas. The Lord took His normal pleasant form at the request of Prahlada and came in search of Lakshmi here. Lakshmi became very happy and took her rightful place in the heart of the Lord. Hence the Lord here is called Tiruvazhmarban and place called Tirupatisaram as the Lord resides here.